By Meg Gallagher
Meg Gallagher is a strength coach, powerlifter, and fitness expert in Fort Worth, TX. She is the owner of Strong Strong Friends, an online strength community dedicated to getting a barbell in every woman’s hands.
If you’re working from home these days, then you might find yourself a bit more desk bound and itching to just… MOVE. Since you might be indoors more lately, a lot of us are missing our usual walks across the office parking lot, activity spent running errands on the weekend, or even those seemingly insignificant trips to the water cooler at the office.
Activities like these make up our NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis. NEAT makes up a lot of our caloric expenditure and general movement throughout the day. Things like cleaning, taking the stairs, brushing our teeth, and other regular tasks all use energy to complete. NEAT helps keep our calorie balance in check and gives us at least some of the movement we’re designed to do.
Although you might be used to a desk bound life anyway, confining our routines to just our homes might have us missing our usual movement even more than usual.