Usage Rights Requests
Hi! If we’ve sent you to this page, that means we saw your content on social media and we’d love to be able to use it!
With your permission, we’d like to share your content on our company’s websites and/or on our own social channels – giving you credit, of course! For full legal terms and conditions, please see below. If you agree, just reply to our original comment with the brand-relevant hashtag (#fairlifeYes, #CorePowerYes) and you’re set.
Thanks again for sharing!
fairlife Content Terms and Conditions
By replying with the brand-relevant hashtag (#fairlifeYes, #CorePowerYes) you agree to the following terms of submission. By agreeing to submit content, you hereby authorize and license fairlife, LLC (along with its parent company The Coca-Cola Company), its affiliates and bottlers, its agents and all of their respective successors and assigns, and those acting under their permission (collectively, the “Licensed Parties”), to publish, manipulate, and distribute your content, along with your name and likeness, and in any media now known or hereinafter invented throughout the world in perpetuity for any purpose, including advertising purposes. You represent and warrant that you are 18 years or older, you are the creator of the content and/or authorized to grant these rights, the content will not infringe the rights of any third party, and no payments are or will be due to any party. You understand that Licensed Parties are not obligated to use such content and the Licensed Parties may edit or otherwise make derivative works of such content as part of the Licensed Parties licensed distribution without any approval by you of the final product.